
Käthe Kollwitz (1867-1945)

"Käthe Kollwitz (Königsberg, Província da Prússia, atual Kaliningrad, Rússia, 8 de Julho de 1867 - Moritzburg (Saxónia), 22 de Abril de 1945) foi uma importante desenhista, pintora, gravurista e escultora alemã, cuja obra reflete uma eloquente visão das condições humanas na primeira metade do século XX. Com traços de Naturalismo e Expressionismo, Kollwitz traz a classe operária, fome, guerra e pobreza como temas recorrentes em seu trabalho." - ( 19.11.2019)

Also known as: Käthe Schmidt (Birth name)

What we know


was born Königsberg 08.07.1867
Wife of Karl Kollwitz 1891
was influenced Auguste Rodin Paris, Meudon 1904
died Moritzburg (Sachsen) 22.04.1945
Friend Otto Nagel
Friend Clara Siewert
Friend Sophie Wolff
believed in religion Protestantische Freikirche
daughter of Carl Schmidt (Prediger)
daughter of Katharina Schmidt
mother of Hans Kollwitz
mother of Peter Kollwitz
sister of Conrad Schmidt
sister of Julie Hofferichter
sister of Lisbeth Stern
was influenced Edvard Munch
was influenced Max Klinger


Student Rudolf Maurer (Königsberg) Königsberg 1882-1883
Student Karl Stauffer-Bern Berlim julho 1887, 1886, 1886-1887
Student Ludwig von Herterich Munique 1888, 1889, 1888-1889
Student Rudolf Maurer (Königsberg) Königsberg 1889-1890
showcased works Große Berliner Kunstausstellung 1898
Traveller Paris 1901
teacher Künstlerinnenschule Berlim 1898-1903
Traveller Paris 1904
lived Kollwitzstraße 56 a (Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg) 1891-1943
Supporter Robert Liebknecht 1919
official Professor catedrático Preußische Akademie der Künste 24.01.1919, fevereiro 1933, 1919-1933
Traveller União Soviética novembro 1927
lived Nordhausen 1943-1944
lived Moritzburg (Sachsen) 1944-1945
classmate Beate Bonus-Jeep
classmate Marianne Fiedler
classmate Betty Wolff
classmate Hedwig Weiß Berlim, Munique
has met Ilse Schütze-Schur
has met Julie Wolfthorn
teacher Margret Böning
used art style Retrato
used art style ilustração
used method / technique Desenho
used method / technique artes plásticas
used method / technique Gráfico
used method / technique Pintura
was supported Max Lehrs


Bibliography (about)

Objects and visualizations



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Research status / note

Joshua Ramon Enslin:Well researched
kl-bb:Well researched

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