
Cleópatra III (--101)

"Cleópatra Evérgeta (ca. 165/160 a.C. - 101 a.C.) foi uma rainha do Egito ptolemaico.

Vários historiadores, textos e sites modernos a chamam de Cleópatra III, por exemplo, E. R. Bevan, The House of Ptolemy, Andrew Smith, site Attalus, Chris Bennett, site Ptolemaic Dinasty e Jona Lendering, site Livius, porém outros historiadores a chamam de Cleópatra Cocce (ou Kokke), com base em uma passagem de Estrabão, por exemplo, Samuel Sharpe, The history of Egypt under the Ptolemies (1838), John Gardner Wilkinson, Topography of Thebes, and general view of Egypt: being a short account of the principal objects worthy of notice in the valley of the Nile... ; with remarks on the manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians and the productions of the country (1835) e Thomas Young, An account of some recent discoveries in hieroglyphical literature, and Egyptian antiquities: Including the author´s original alphabet, as extended by Mr. Champollion, with a translation of five unpublished Greek and Egyptian manuscripts (1823). William Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, a chama de Cleópatra VI." - ( 25.05.2020)

What we know


mother of Trifena
mother of Cleópatra Selene I

Bibliography (about)

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