

"Redireciona para:" - ( 20.11.2019)

What we know

office held

office held Otto III. von Brandenburg Brandemburgo
office held Johann I. von Brandenburg
office held Alberto III da Saxónia Meissen
office held Jorge, Margrave de Brandemburgo-Ansbach
office held Alberto de Brandemburgo
office held Dietrich IV. von der Lausitz Lusácia
office held Dietrich IV. von der Lausitz Osterland
office held Otokar II da Boêmia Morávia
office held Wladislaw III. von Mähren Morávia
office held Otakar I da Boêmia Morávia 1222-1224
office held Ladislau III da Boémia Morávia 1197-1222
office held Lothar Udo II von Stade und Nordmark Marca do Norte
office held Henrique III de Meissen Meissen

Bibliography (about)

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